Update WordPress Via Ftp

How Can You Update WordPress Via FTP Account Manually?

Now you can update WordPress via FTP account instead of the one-click update button from WordPress. Most of the people don’t look on these things because of the techie environment.

But if you are having a WordPress website then you should know every possible way to complete the tasks. If you are not able to update WordPress from the admin panel then you should update WordPress via FTP.

There are many tools like Filezilla to access your WordPress files present on the web host. For which, you should know how to connect Filezilla server with FTP.

It is a free software which can be used on Windows and Mac too. You may use any other tool you like to access the FTP server.

Take An Action Before You Update WordPress Via FTP.

It’s important to backup your website and the database because if you break your website in any case then you can upload your backup again.

You can backup WordPress site and database using cPanel or you can directly use any backup plugin. But if you run multiple websites then you have to go with the manual way.

Before starting the update, you have to keep the “wp-content” folder safe because all the content of your website is available in this folder including themes, plugins etc.

A Few Steps Are Required To Update WordPress Via FTP.

Step 1:- First of all, you have to download the latest version of WordPress on your computer and extract the zip file. You will find a folder “WordPress” in there.

Step 2:- Connect FTP using Filezilla and from the left quadrant of Filezilla open the “WordPress” from your local computer.

Step 3:- Open the “web root/public_html” directory. All the files and folders of your website would be seen there.

If you have moved WordPress from public_html to any other folder then open that folder. If you are going to update WordPress for an addon domain or the subdomain then open that folder.

Step 4:- After selecting all the files and folders from the “WordPress” folder, right-click and choose to “upload“. Filezilla will start uploading the files of the updated version to your public_html directory.

Step 5:- After the start, you will be asked to choose the options for the process. Choose the “overwrite” option because you want to replace all the WordPress files with new files.

Step 6:- After the completion of the upload process, open the wp-admin of WordPress and if there is any update in the database then you will be asked to update it. Just click on the update button and after a while, you will see the latest version of WordPress running on your website.

Though you have successfully updated WordPress to its latest version but still if you face any problem then replace the new “wp-content” folder with the old one.

If everything is fine then congrats, you have completed the task. You won’t need to ask how to update WordPress using FTP afterwords.

Are You Afraid To Update WordPress Via FTP or cPanel?

There are many to options to do the same things. You can update WordPress from the admin panel just with a single click. But by chance the button doesn’t work then you can manually update WordPress using cPanel.

And an another option is to update WordPress via FTP server. There is nothing much to do for the update. The main thing is to replace the old WordPress files with new files.

You can do that using cPanel, FTP, or from admin panel. The choice is yours. But sometimes when you are not able to login to your WordPress admin panel then you have to use FTP or cPanel. You won’t be able to use the one-click button update.

The above-mentioned steps would take you to your destination and if you still face any problem then feel free to ask.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    Great tutorial on updating WordPress via FTP. Is there any advantages by updating via FTP because by looking at it, I feel it is always easier to update from the WordPress Dashboard.


    1. Hey Ugyen,

      It doesn’t matter whether you update from the admin panel or using the FTP. But when you are not able to login to your WordPress admin panel then you have an option to update WordPress for a fresh version.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


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